Saturday, March 28, 2015

Meeting w/t Autumn: March 28, 2015

"Give me more loving than I've ever had
Make it all better when I'm feeling sad
Tell me I'm special even when I know I'm not
Make it feel good when it hurts so bad
Barely get mad
I'm so glad I found you
I love being around you
You make it easy

It's as easy as 1-2-1-2-3-4
There's only 
ONE thing (one)
TWO do (two)
THREE words (three)
FOUR you... (four)
(I love you) I love you."

Autumn! I thought I would begin sharing some of the lyrics to Plain White T's song 1,2,3,4. It's amazing, isn't it? Only a few minutes ago, we finished watching the last installment The Hobbit series: The Battle Of The Five Armies. This time more than any, the caring and love between Tauriel and Kili really stood out to me. It was so wonderful and made me smile. Then to have it end was... I can't even begin to describe how sad I felt for Tauriel. Read this: 

Tauriel: If this is love, I do not want it. Take it away, please. Why does it hurt so much? 
Thranduil: Because it was real.

We all have a tendency to withdraw from things that cause us pain, but I'm starting to realize that some things exist in life that will be painful, heartbreaking, and seemingly too hard to be lovely, but it is none the less lovely, in the most beautiful sense, This is being brave enough to say "I care about you so much that pain is of  such little consequence I will endure it, I will feel it, and I will break apart... for you. <3 

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